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Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)

The MAP and MAP Alliance teams and our sponsors and linked institutions all believe in the importance and value of working together. Working with our participants and potential participants improves both the quality and the relevance of our research. Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in research is an active collaboration between researchers and members of the public. Often the members in a PPI Group are also active participants in the research and/or have a particular interest in the field. When people with different experiences work together in a PPI Group, it helps the research to proceed with input from a variety of perspectives and enhances the value and relevance of the research. 


We have a dedicated MAP Alliance PPI Group of participants who meet regularly to discuss how the research is progressing, including evaluating the design, materials and research procedures involved in the studies. Our PPI Group meet online to discuss the different research projects within MAP Alliance. So far, the PPI Group members have contributed valuable insights about the way we send out invites and reminders and about what it feels like to be a participant in our studies. We have also discussed together how acceptable materials and procedures for upcoming projects are, and group members are involved in designing these materials.


If you would like to learn more about our MAP Alliance PPI Group, or would be interested in joining, please get in touch with me (Una) and the team at We always love to hear from our participants and anyone else interested in our research!   


Warmest wishes from Una and the MAP Alliance Team 

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