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Research Publications

Links to publications from MAP and MAP Alliance will appear below as soon as they have been
published. All the articles will be free to access. The time between taking part in the study and the
results being published can take some time. You may wonder what happens after your input on the
studies, and we briefly explain this below:

Depending on which study you take part in, we either receive your responses from the questionnaires you have completed, or the transcript of the interview you took part in. A member from the research team will personally review the responses from questionnaires as soon as we receive them and notify you with our thanks. These responses are then stored securely on a database. Responses from interviews are transcribed and then stored in a similar, secure database.Your personal information, like your name and contact details, are removed and kept separately.When everyone has completed their responses for a particular research study, the study statisticians will ‘clean’ the data, for example by arranging it in a suitable order, recording any missing values and checking that information is in the correct format. For example, a date written in words may be changed into a numbers so that all the dates are in the same format and suitable values for any missing data will be recorded. This cleaned data is then analysed and the research teams meet to discuss the analyses and results.For interview studies, researchers analyse the interview transcripts which usually involves looking for themes that arise across multiple interviews. Analysis sometimes takes a couple of months whilst statisticians and researchers are working on multiple projects.When the statistics or the analysis of the interviews is complete, it is time to move on to writing them up. The results are written up into a journal article, where we outline the background to the study, the methods we used, the results, what the results mean and how they can inform practice.When the whole study team has reviewed the written-up article, we send it off to a journal for publication. If the journal editor thinks the article is appropriate for their journal, they will send it out for peer review. This means that a few experts in the field of perinatal mental health, who have not been involved with our project, will review the study and scrutinize it. They will usually comeback with some changes that have to be made. Just this review process can take 6 months or more.Eventually, the article is published and can be accessed by others, and we work on promoting it to stakeholders that can influence making positive changes in perinatal mental health care.

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